Work with Us

Work with Travel Together Gr

Our goal is to translate ideas from travel, fashion, beauty and other industries into digital images and videos that stand out in a crowded landscape. We are committed to be authentic and always enjoy a new project. 

Travel Together Gr offers a range of services, including content creation for social medias (UGC), product photography, brand partnerships, editing, storytelling and social media marketing.

Content Creation 

As a creative duo, we are passionate about capturing authentic moments through our lens. For us, photography and videography are about capturing the emotions behind any product or activity. With all this in mind, we work to create the best possible result to attract the right audience and buyers ! We offer high-quality, engaging content to share and use on your social media account or website.

Brand promotion & marketing

Social media is currently one of the best ways to promote any business. Therefore, it is vital to have good content to engage your audience and proper promotion to get more eyeballs on your brand. Working with us will give you the opportunity to reach an audience of travel enthusiasts with interests ranging from photography, fashion and style to environmental awareness. 

Travel services & activities promotion

On every trip, our goal is to show our audience as many beautiful places, activities, cafés and restaurants as we can through our visuals and blog content. If you are looking for compelling content or promotion to a highly engaged community of travel enthusiasts, we are here to help.

Do you offer city or island tours, guided boat tours, cruises, jeep safaris, rental cars or other private transportation ? Do you have a stylish coffee shop or restaurant ? Depending on your needs and goals, we can provide you with images, short-form videos, multiple Instagram stories with SWIPE UP sending directly to your social media accounts & website and dedicated blog posts including your services (with direct links). 

 Previous Work : 

Connect with us

We would be honored to connect further and bring your creative ideas to life ! Portofolio or media kit available upon request. You can reach us directly to

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